Tuesday, January 8, 2019

more 2017 fun that never got posted!

probably already shared some of these, but who knows. man...my 2019 resolution should be to keep up with these blogs better, but with baby #3 on the way..yeah right! anyway, want to make sure we have these precious pictures forever and ever to remember this wonderful season of life <3

Halloween with our little ladybug and cupcake! Lots of fun with friends- Lacy always hosted the best Halloween parties. and then we would try to go trick or treat my mom's neighborhood so Jesus could dress up as a monkey and scare the kids hahaha and sometimes we tried to get the "Booritto" from Chipotle too- too busy! 

I went to Utah for 2 nights away from my babies to see Janna (my college roommate) get married! It was really fun! I always laugh and laugh and laugh with these friends <3 of course, lots of polygamy jokes in Utah. Hiking both days and vegan food for Faith. I don't do well sleeping away from home so I slept out on the couch and was up early pouring over floor plans with coffee. Overall really good for me! 

Little besties <3 we sure miss her now that they moved!

Allison, Anna, and Jo took a ballet class together and it was the absolute cutest

Kara and fam moved away waaaah but we went to stay the night and visit! so fun! 

so many sweet memories doing life with my mom's group friends! baby showers, meal trains, weekly groups where we just hang out and let the kids play, babysitting for each other, play dates, clothing swaps, cooking parties, monthly mom's nights out, a bi-yearly retreat overnighter, holiday parties, potlucks... they are truly some of the best people and support in my life and I am so so thankful! and thankful that all the husbands like each other too ;) 

4th of July fun


Timbers season opener and new walker <3 

a little Vday photoshoot ;) she had that outfit in NB and I couldn't resist it in a bigger size- all the nostalgia


I brought some snow in from outside to play cuz it was just too cold. hours of fun! 

Jo didn't like the cold much

man I forgot that June slept in the closet for months and months when the girls first started sharing a room. hilarious. she slept w/ the lights off and white noise and Anna would turn all the lights on and turn off the white noise, so this is the best we could do haha. 

Zane's playroom was fun til Anna just got a bit old for it. 

constant chaos

Ita got us a 3 month membership at the aquatic center and we took the girls to preschool swim often, it was so fun. 

we always take Anna out for pancakes "for her bday" but really its free pancake day in March ;) 

little booties are the cutest

in the long days, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the mess and chaos and just tired. but looking back at photos, all I remember is the joy and adorable and happy memories. I need to take more photos! and spend more time reflecting on the happy! loved this season of having 2 very little girls and watching their relationship bloom. 

oh how I loved these shoes. Anna would always choose these because they were kind of matching

winery fun

Nadia's wedding

human bean date with my loves

popsicles in the sunshine

dr. visits

triple tasking ;)

zoo fun! 

library and donut holes

watching a story on the Bible app with daddy

off to Sunriver for Christmas with extended fam

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