Sunday, January 15, 2017

June 9-12 months!

trying to go to church during nap time...

ergo naps are the sweetest!

we lost the 9 month sticker and then forgot to take the pics oops! but got some adorable 10 month ones!

you're actually kind of a master with a spoon/fork. you love when we put the food on the fork and then eat off it and try to stab more food yourself haha

um you went to TOWN on my Olive Garden haha. 

you now go "cheese" or something that sounds kind of similar when we pull out the phone for a pic

into everything!

 June is SO much fun! She says mama, dada, ooh ooh (for doggy), hi, num num, ba (for bath). She is a speed crawler and could easily stand on her own, but gets scared. She will let go of something and take a full 2 steps to get to something else, but won't really walk unless you hold her hand. She just learned "meow meow" for kitty and is just now starting to do all her tricks (i.e. how big is June? sooo big. or can you say mama? mama)

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