Thursday, January 12, 2017

Holidays 2016

made pumpkin cheesecakes for both families for Thanksgiving. was going to make 3; turns out each recipe made 2 so we have several leftover in the freezer. but YUM!


Faith gave this llama to Johanna for her 1st bday as a joke and we were going to give it to Goodwill because it just takes up too much room. but my mom said "no way!" and said she would keep it until we wanted it back...umm haha. my dad hates it and keeps putting it in compromising positions- here is how we found it on Thanksgiving! 

Johanna might have peed all over her pretty dress. and June is just chomping on the table, some of these pictures make it look like we have it all together, but here you go!

2 Thanksgiving in one day was a bit much for these ladies. Thankfully, we had the second one at our own home so we could just put them to bed when the meltdowns started. 

Oma Cory came all by herself to spend a little more time getting to know her great-granddaughters! It was really special!

Jo refused to ride by herself with me holding her hand, so they let me on with her! We were too late to sit on Santa's lap this year. 

an ornament she made at the FG Christmas day

Uncle Alex and Aunt Emily came down for a late Thanksgiving/early Christmas :)

her first present of the season! mickey mouse legos!

Alex & Emily got the girls books!

ignore the scantily clad woman on the snowboard- we got it at goodwill pay by weight for dirt cheap and Jesus is going to fix it up to sell. but we were using it for a sled down our hill in the snow/ice haha. 

drawing a face on her first snow angel!

Christmas cookies! Actually pretty healthy with Kerrigold butter and whole wheat flour ;)

Louise's last Christmas- we will sure miss her!

we celebrated early with Cnossen side as we had Christmas Eve plans with GZ side and Cnossens were off to California on the 24th too.  we celebrated like 3 days early oops! so glad my parents accommodate our schedule so gracefully!

Jo when we ask her to "say cheese"

we spent Christmas day at home by ourselves- Jesus went out golfing and I took the girls to the wetlands to explore and then we made some awesome food! it was a nice, quiet day. 


and some from Alisa's camera from our Christmas at Cnossen house. it was really magical for Johanna this year! June slept through most of it! some of my favorite gifts were new Nike flip flops, massages, and a generous $$ from my parents to fund "something fun" for us which we used to take a 2 night trip to the coast! 

For New Years, we headed to the Kukis house again for a "toddler New Year's party" that went from 4:30-7. Potluck style- I brought mac'n'cheese. Lots of fun! Then we headed home, put the girls to bed, had some wine and played games and were in bed by 10:30 ;)

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